Our annual spring CD, celebrates the season of renewal and rebirth. Music of a pastoral nature will conjure vivid images of flowers peeking through the soil, and buds turning to leaves. Including works by Benjamin Britten, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Gustav Mahler, Max Bruch and several others.
Track Listing
- Rota: Ippolito gioca
- Bruch: Swedish Dance No.6
- Grieg: In the Folk Style
- Schnittke: Pastorale
- Britten: Dawn
- Dvorak: Scherzo
- Encina: Pedro, and well I love
- Legeti: Andantino
- Mahler: First Movement
- Stravinsky: Andante
- Rachmaninoff: Vocalise
- Schnittke: Pantomime
- Playford: An Italian Rant
- Dvorak: Larghetto
- Villa-Lobos: Thus Mama Cradled
- Bruch: Swedish Dance No. 2
- Larsen: Sun Prayer
*Final price. No additional discounts available.